Courage is what?

How do you define courage??? does is always mean an extraordinary quality or do you notice it in small acts too??
according to the dictionary it means

1. The ability to do something that frightens one.
2. Strength in the face of pain or grief
My definition of  ‘Courage’ comprises of the various moments of courage from my very own life experiences.
For me , Courage is…….
  1. Sitting in a meeting with people twice your age/experience and raising your hand to say you differ with their ideas as they are obsolete.(knowing this could adversely affect your job :))
  2. to kill a lizard, a snake, a bat, all on your own 😀
  3. Fixing an eve-teaser right on the spot until he apologises.(proud laugh in the background ;))
  4. owning up to your mistake & saying sorry
  5. to get 4 injections sitting on the dentist chair to extract just one tooth :/
  6. to realise your own flaws and commit to self improvement
  7. to have coffee all alone in a cafe, in india its tough! (its tougher on a bad day)
  8. to look at your dead loved one’s pictures & gulp the tears down to smile back at the pic.
  9. to fight for justice in the judicial system of India (all on your own)
  10. to tell someone you loved once, that you deserve better than him/her
  11. to commit yourself to stand by something/someone & sticking to it.
  12. to fall flat on your face; then get up, dust your clothes, smile and walk ahead.(not once but many a times,but smiling harder with each fall; hoping this would be the last one 🙂 )
  13. to read those forwards that say ‘ if you dont send it to 50 people you will have bad luck for 100  years’ and actually not forward them!!! 😉

4 thoughts on “Courage is what?

  1. The origin of the word Courage is in the French language. What it actually means is to do what you have at heart. If you can follow what your heart says, you have courage.


  2. Hey Tanvi…. Nice post about Courage… This one I like the most > \”Sitting in a meeting with people twice your age/experience and raising your hand to say you differ with their ideas as they are obsolete.(knowing this could adversely affect your job :))\”I do face same situations…– Shrinivas Gokhale


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