Did you know? These easy & affordable beauty hacks!

Did you know?

Today, looking fit, fashionable and attractive has emerged into top priorities of every person’s life. I’ve personally known so many people who have spend thousands of rupees on surgeries, just to look fit and fabulous. Lets just hang on for a minute and think, are these serious remedies really necessary? So, here we bring you some fun facts that would save your thousands of rupees and offer better results than any surgery in the world!

1. Apple cedar vinegar

This ingredient is a power packet! It aids in multiple problems like weight-loss, acne, indigestion, bad breath, sore throat, stuffy nose, sugar, bad breath etc.

2. Remove upper lip hair

To shroud the hair issue, apply turmeric paste or make a pack of beetroot/carrot juice with fresh milk cream, massage it on the upper lip area and rinse with cold water. To stop the hair growth at that patch, apply a pack of honey and turmeric powder before going to bed.

3. Dark circles and wrinkles?

Stress, alcohol consumption, smoking, menstruals, lack of sleep etcetera causes dark circles, wrinkles and gives an aged look. Use cucumber or a cotton ball dipped in rose water on your eyes for 15-20 minutes. This would refresh your eyes and show significant improvement as dark circles and wrinkles decrease. Applying mint juice might also help.
4. Say yes to banana!

Everyone loves to eat banana but did you know it can be used as a beauty ingredient too? Surprised? Check these equations out!

* Banana (Half ripped, mashed; apply for 20-25 mins) = Natural moisturizer
* Banana (Half ripped, mashed) + Honey
(Leave for 20 mins) = Removes black pigmentation of face.
* Banana (mashed) + Lemon juice (2 tsp) = Glowing face, reduces spots and blemishes.
* Banana (mashed) + Sugar = Natural Scrub, moisturizer.
* Banana + Avocado (mashed; leave for 20 mins) = anti-aging cream.
* Banana (Half, mashed; apply for 15 mins) = Say goodbye to puffy eyes!

5. Pimples – a nightmare.
Pimples always show up when we have a very important meeting or social gathering. Here are few quick fixes which wouldn’t eradicate pimples completely but might save us from the worst.

*Rub potato peel for minimum 20 mins.
* Apply tomato juice as a face-wash, especially on the affected area and rinse.
* Sprinkle orange peel.
* Splurge on some neem.
*Honey and band-aid covering the affected area. Leave overnight.

6. Women DON’T bulk up using weights for exercise.

This is a common myth. No! Regular exercise makes the muscles firm. Go ahead and lift weights. 🙂

7. More you sweat, more calories you burn? No.
Sweat is a biological response that cools your skin and regulates internal body temperature, it has absolutely no relation with the amount of calories you burn.

8. Myth: More you exercise, the better.
Our muscles go through a really tough session during our workouts. The more we exercise, the more strain we cause to the muscles. Hence, working out is necessary, but in limits. Even muscles need time to recover.

9. Skipping sleep can result in weight GAIN.

Yes! you read it right. A person is ought to sleep for 7 hours minimum, or it results in weight gain. Partial sleep produces hormones which causes hunger.

10. Clicking pictures of everything can affect your mental health.

Clicking photograph of every possible thing around you, hampers your mental health and memory. You can try focusing your pictures well or just enjoy the beauty keeping your camera aside. 🙂

11. The supreme workout : Suryanamaskar : yes it is the solution for 90% of your health & beauty problems. Wonder why are celebrities ditching the gym these days & hitting the yoga mat. Here is why! A 30 mins yoga regime of suryanamaskars & pranayams daily will help you loose weight, tone your body, give you great skin and hair with absolutely no investments at all. (may be just a yoga mat). A suryanamaskar (sun salutation) is like a massage for your internal organs and increses flexibility incredibly. To learn how to do it right here is the link! surya namaskar steps

Hope these hacks help you spend less & enjoy your life more!

Content contributor : Yashaswini P

Winter bride – survival plan!

Winter weather poses a few challenges: chapped lips, dry skin, and dullness. This article will help you prepare yourself for your special day, because come hail or storm- you’re getting married! So start from the basics, and keep these in mind.


Skin and Hair care:
Nourish your skin-
Drink plenty of water and don’t leave your skin feeling thirsty. Hot Herbal teas are also a great way to replenish your body and moisturize it from the inside. Help your skin retain its shine by using body butters and oil based creams. Always remember to do this when the skin is slightly damp to help lock in the moisture. Apply a primer 2 minutes after applying a moisturizer. This helps keep your makeup in place for hours.

Our skin gets dull in the winter months and dead skin cells keep increasing making exfoliation a key step. Scrub thrice a week, not more. Over exfoliation will make your skin dry.

Protection from the sun-
Yes, it is possible to get a tan in winter. Protect your skin from the harsh UV rays of the sun by investing in a sunscreen with an SPF30. Do this in the months before your wedding and reapply often.

Lip care-
Chapped lips are not a good look in any season, and especially not on your wedding day. In the days prior, make sugar and lemon lip scrubs and always use a balm with SPF for protection. Never lick or bite your lips!

Hair care-
Your hair is also a very important part of your look, so depending on your hair type, apply a deep conditioning hair mask regularly for your hair to be luminous and bouncy. This is often overlooked, but you must oil and massage it regularly to increase nourishment. And always remember, never wash your hair with hot water because it damages your hair follicles more than you can imagine.

Make the spa lady your best friend and go at least thrice a month before your wedding. Indulge yourself and try not to take on too much stress as this hampers your skin, making it look worse.

Morning or evening wedding-
Knowing the time and setting of the wedding should impact your makeup style largely. If it’s a morning wedding, opt for lighter, more natural pastel shades. If it’s an evening wedding, go for a more dramatic vibe with deep shades of berries, reds and crimsons.

This is the base of your skin and makeup. Choosing the right shade is essential because you don’t want to look ghostly pale or darker than you really are. For winters, try a mousse base instead of a powder, which doesn’t dry your skin out. A yellow-based foundation will look good in photographs while a pink-based one could make you look washed out.
This may seem extreme, but you must apply foundation on all exposed parts of your body (arms, back, etc.) to make it seem more natural.

Use a highlighter-
The main aim should be to make your skin look glowing, not shimmery. So skip the glitter and use a highlighter to increase luminosity instead. This step is key especially in winter, because the weather makes your skin dull.

Do up your eyes-
Your wedding is not the time to be experimenting with blue and brown liners. Stick to black and define your eyes on the top and bottom waterline. Create a winged cat-eye look for a dramatic effect. For eye shadows, stick to peachy shades which light up your face. Gel liners give better precision and staying power. Use mascara that is less than 3 months old and make sure its waterproof!

Lip loving-
On D-Day, use a long lasting lipstick in the shades of reds and berries. If you have thin lips, invest in a lip plumper. People with thick lips can apply a gloss instead. Apply a lipliner that matches your lipstick, as this will help define the outline more prominently.

Blotting paper and compact-
Keep blotting paper handy on your day to get rid of extra shine. This will also help in getting rid of excess eyeliner or lipstick. Use a compact for a quick cover up and to look less dull.
Makeup artists-
If you’re hiring a makeup artist, explain the kind of look you are going for beforehand! Always go for a trial session before your big day and make sure the products they use suit your skin. if you’re considering doing your own makeup, practice a couple of times before hand. Remember, this is NOT the time to experiment, so stick to using the brushes, sponges and shades that you are comfortable with.

Moderation is key-
Take a look at your wedding clothes and jewelry and make sure that your makeup does not clash with it. The aim is to compliment. Indian brides are loaded with heavy clothes and jewelry as it is, so it’s best to keep makeup in line and not overdone.

Content contributor – Saumya Chawla for IndiBrownBeauty
Photo credit – http://www.fb.com/weddingsbyemagination